Guitar Tuning
Everything you need to know about guitar tuning – from drop tuning to standard tuning, as well as D Standard, half a step down, drop C, and everything else in between, including tuners and string choice…
When it comes to guitar tuning, you have A LOT of options. You have standard tuning (EADGBE), drop tunings like Drop D (DADGBE), and alternate tunings like DADGAD, and for the real heavy stuff things like D Standard and C Standard.
And they’re just the most well-known ones; there are literally hundreds more. Hundreds!
Once you know the rules, you can basically tune your guitar however you like. Just ask Keith Richards or Buzzo from the Melvins. Or Jimmy Page. They’ve all used all kinds of crazy tunings over the years.
And then you have tunings for extended-range guitars, 8 string guitars, 7 string guitars, and even 9 string guitars. If you’re a learner, it is a lot to take in and make sense of. But if you follow and read the guides and tutorials below, you’ll start to better understand the amazing world of guitar tunings…
Guitar Tuning Guides, Tips & Actionable Advice
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Queens of The Stone Age Guitar Tuning: A Guide…
Killer riffs, catchy licks, swagger, and a complete disregard for the rules. These are just a few of the things that make up Josh Homme’s guitar style. But what tuning do Queens of The Stone Age actually use? Josh Homme is one of the most influential guitarists working today. He effectively invented dessert rock and…
7 String Guitar Tuning: A Complete Beginner’s Guide
Here’s a complete beginner friendly guide on how to tune a 7-string guitar, covering everything from Standard Tuning for 7-string guitars to more exotic, lower tunings you can try… Whether you’ve just bought a 7-string guitar or you’re seriously considering getting one, the most important you need to get your head around is 7 string…
Guitar Maintenance 101: Do It Yourself VS Taking It To A Tech
When it comes to guitar maintenance, knowledge is power. What are the advantages of doing it yourself versus taking it to tech? Today we go over the advantages and disadvantages of both. Guitar Maintenance: It Can Be Very Important Have you ever picked a guitar right off the wall at a guitar store that seemed…
The Ultimate Guitarist’s Toolkit: The 3 Important Areas To Consider
Most of us build up our guitarist’s toolkit over the years, collecting parts and tools as needed. But why wait until you NEED a tool? Today we talk about the 3 areas to consider when building your toolkit for home maintenance. A Guitarist’s Toolkit: DIY Saves Money Electric Guitar is a fantastic instrument, and over…
Using A Capo: A Comprehensive Guide To The #1 Way To Write Creative Songs!
You have probably seen plenty of guitarists using a capo, and you have probably wondered why they use them. Today we are going to look at the proper way to use a capo, and unlock a new ability to add to your toolbox! Using A Capo: Transpose Your Creativity Using a capo can be hugely…
The Top 3 Alternate Guitar Tunings: How To Write GREAT Riffs!
Why would you want to use alternate guitar tunings? Today we look at how you can open the door to new creative ideas, simply by changing your tuning slightly. Let’s check out the top 3 to fuel some new creative riffage! Alternate Guitar Tunings: Inspiration Fuel! Have you ever been in a rut when it…
A Beginner’s Guide To DADGAD Tuning: The #1 Path To New Riffs!
We often hit a writer’s block as guitarists, and writing a new riff can be frustrating. That’s where DADGAD Tuning steps in! This popular tuning might help that mental block, or help you learn a popular song! DADGAD Guitar Tuning Are you a beginner guitarist looking to explore new sounds and experiment with different tunings?…
Baritone Guitar Tuning: A Quick Overview of Everything You Need To Know
Dive into the world of baritone guitar tuning with our comprehensive guide, and learn how to master this unique type of guitar to up your tone-game with some serious low-end rumble… If you’re looking for a new sound and you’ve already messed around with alternate tunings and maybe 7 and 8-string guitars, perhaps it is…
Open G Tuning Explained: What It Is & How It Works on Guitar
Discover the magic of open G tuning guitar, its history, uses, and benefits, as well as how to get started with this popular alternative tuning method. Have you ever been curious about alternative guitar tunings? Ever wondered what is open G tuning guitar? You’re in for a treat! Open G tuning is an exciting and…
Solving Guitar Tuning Issues 101: 5 Reasons Your Guitar Is Going Out Of Tune
I see so many complaints online about guitar tuning issues, and people rarely get a clear answer. Today we go over all of the reasons your guitar might be out of tune! Guitar Tuning Issues: Need A Tune Up? When I take a look at guitar forums, one of the most common beginner questions usually…
10 Metal Bands That Play In Standard Tuning
Most metal bands tune down their guitars. But is it essential? No. Here are 10 metal bands that play in standard tuning… There’s a common myth that, in order to sound heavy, you must tune down your guitar – either to Drop D, D Standard, or lower. But as you’ll see in this post, PLENTY of…
Jack White Guitar Tuning – Here’s What He Uses Most…
What guitar tuning does Jack White use? Here’s a look at all the different tunings he used in The White Stripes, The Dead Weather, and The Raconteurs, as well as his solo records… Jack White’s new album Fear of The Dawn has just landed and it is as weird and eclectic as you’d expect. As…
Jimi Hendrix’s PREFERRED Guitar Tuning – And Why He Used It…
What guitar tuning did Jimi Hendrix use? Here’s an overview of Hendrix’s preferred guitar tuning and why he used it… Hendrix was one of the greats, a legendary pioneer when he was alive and he is now regarded as one of the greatest of all time. During his all-too-short career, Hendrix redefined rock music from…
Best Strings For Drop D Tuning: Get Perfect Tension & Tone
If you’re tuning down to Drop D from standard tuning, you might want to think about switching up your strings. But what are the best strings for Drop D tuning? Let’s find out… Drop D tuning is an immensely popular guitar tuning used by loads of players in quite a few different genres of music…
Best Strings For Drop Tuning: From D Standard To Drop A…
Here’s a handy table that details all the best strings for drop tunings – from D Standard to Drop A…. Chances are, if you’re on this site, reading about drop tunings on guitar, you like metal or doom or sludge and you want to start playing in lower tunings to dial in that HEAVY guitar sound.…
What Guitar Tuning Do Ghost Use? A Quick Guide…
From the brain of Tobias Forge, Ghost – previously known as Ghost BC – has produced some of the biggest metal albums of the past few years. But what guitar tuning do Ghost use? Let’s find out… Ghost has a unique, yet almost pastiche sound. You know you’re listening to Ghost usually within just a few bars.…
How To Sound Like KYUSS: Dialin’ In The Desert Sound
If you play guitar and you’re after a guitar tone similar to KYUSS, you’ll need to know how Josh Homme set up his guitar and what gear he used – here’s everything you need to know… If you want to get that quintessential desert, stoner rock sound that was originally popularised by Josh Homme and his…
10 Bands That Play In D Standard
D Standard – AKA DGCFAD tuning – is one whole step down from standard tuning. It sounds lower and heavier. And here are 10 metal bands that play in D Standard When it comes to metal, sounding heavy isn’t just about down-tuning your guitars. It helps, sure, but it won’t make your riffs sound better if they’re…
Drop D vs Drop C – What’s The Difference?
A lot of metal bands use Drop D or Drop C tunings. But what is the difference between Drop D vs Drop C tuning on the guitar? Let’s investigate… The popularity of alternate tunings like Drop D and Drop C has grown massively since the early 2000s. The rise of Nu Metal in the late-1990s…
The 7 Most Common Guitar Tunings Used In Music
You can tune your guitar however you like but there are certain guitar tunings that are most commonly used by professionals and amateur players alike. In this guide, we’ll take a look at the seven most common… Most guitarists cut their teeth in Standard tuning. If you pick up a guitar in a store, it’ll…
Drop D Tuning on Guitar Explained (For Absolute Beginners)
Drop D tuning on guitar is an alternative tuning. Used predominantly in rock, metal, and blues, Drop d tuning is a great tool to have in your arsenal. Here’s everything you need to know about drop d tuning… If you’re new to playing guitar, the LAST thing you want to start thinking about is music…
What is D Standard Tuning? Tutorial & Tips For New Players
D Standard tuning is a great option if you’re going for a heavier sound. Mastodon uses D Standard a lot. Here’s everything you need to know about tuning your guitar down to D Standard… You can play metal in standard. People claim you can’t or that it doesn’t sound heavy enough. Well, I have two…
AADGBE Guitar Tuning (Drop A): Gettin’ LOW N’ DIRTY…
What is AADGBE guitar tuning? What bands use it? And what kind of strings do you need to tune down that low? Let’s dig in and find out… As guitar tunings go, AADGBE is not what you’d call popular. Not compared to Drop D or D Standard. But there are plenty of big bands that…
10 Bands That Use Drop C Tuning – EMBRACE THE MIGHTY CHUG!
Drop C tuning sounds heavy – heavy as heck. It also makes playing power chords nice and easy too. Here’s 10 awesome bands that use Drop C tuning… Metal is all about tone. Getting the heaviest sound possible doesn’t always require that you tune down. Opeth and The Dillinger Escape Plan both play in standard tuning…
Every Time I Die Guitar Tunings: What They Use & Why w/ Examples
If you try to look up Every Time I Die guitar tunings, you might get confused. Most of the Tabs I have found are very inaccurate. So let’s take a look at the actual tunings the band has used over the past 20 years of their career! Every Time I Die Guitar Tunings: It’s Probably…
DGCFAD – The Guitar Tuning of The Gods…
DGCFAD is an alternate tuning you can use on your guitar that is a whole step down from EADGBE. It sounds heavier too which is great for rock, metal, and blues Ever wondered why certain Metallica songs – songs like Seek and Destroy, for instance – sound WAY HEAVIER than others? It’s not because they’re…
The Top 5 Doom Metal Tunings: The Ultimate Guide to Going Insanely LOW!
Doom Metal is all about being heavy, slow and foreboding. Sure, you can achieve a heavy guitar sound in standard tuning. But there are several different Doom Metal tunings that the pros prefer. Today, we take a look at the top 5! Doom Metal Tunings: Getting The Sludge Just Right Over the past month or…
Led Zeppelin Guitar Tunings: Alternate Tunings Used By The Band
Jimmy Page is one of the greatest guitarists to ever walk the earth, and over the years Mr. Page used an array of alternate guitar tunings on Led Zeppelin records. Here’s a complete list of ALL OF THEM… Led Zeppelin didn’t do that many albums. The albums they did do were outstanding, however, despite the…
Metallica Guitar Tunings Over The Years: The Complete, In-Depth Guide!
Metallica guitar tunings over the years have actually been pretty varied, although they are known mostly for using standard tuning. You would be surprised at how many tunings this legendary band have used! Today we take a loook at the songs, and all of their tunings! Metallica. Quite possibly the most famous metal band of…
The 5 Best Electric Guitar Tuners: The #1 Picks For Beginners & Pros
Guitar Tuners have come a long way, especially in the past few years. There are so many different kinds, and they are all here to make your life easier! Here are our best electric guitar tuners. The Best Electric Guitar Tuners: In Tune With The Pros Tuning your guitar is something you need to do…